Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grade 12 Results 2010 Manguzi, Ngwanase and Kosi bay Wards did exceptionally well

South African Education has recieved time and again much criticism when it comes to delivery. Our system of education seem to yield less positive impact on our communities. Inspite of much criticism three wards of Obonjeni District made it to the top. This is through the hard work, determination and commitment of our Teachers. Nhlange High got 100% in 2010 grade 12 results, Star of the Sea High School got 95% whilst the majority of schools got more than 60% pass. This indicates clearly the that our education is getting better and better each year.


1. Poor and delabidated buildings
2. Lack of adequately qualified educators
3. Lack of Teachers - Learner Support Material
4. Lack of proper supporting insfrastructure (libraries and Labs)
5. Lack of Career Guidance in our schools
5. Lack of Bursaries
6. Lack of Classrooms
7. Demotivated and errant Teachers
8. Teacher-Learner relationships (Most Teachers bathandana nezingane zesikole)

This in turn tells us that we need almost everyone who is from our vicinity to fully support whatever an initiative related to improving the lives of our people in this region. We understand the new emerging armchair-critics who will always criticise, solely to serve their own personal interest.

Let's all get together to serve the interest of our communities